Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, August 13, 2011


It's amazing!! After 8 months of living at the ranch without internet access, we've finally discovered a device that will get us a strong enough signal to check email, surf the web, and even...gasp... SKYPE!! In the past, we've only been able to skype with our families once every 2-3 weeks when we could take an overnight trip into the city.  Now we can skype from our living room!! This is a really big deal to us!

Now that we have this capability, I am realizing (once again) that God's ways are higher than ours.  If it had been up to me, i would have made sure we had an internet connection from day one.  That way when things got tough or I had a bad "culture shock" experience, I could just hop online and pretend I was in America, chat with some Facebook friends or cry to my mama.  (By the way, this is Kelli typing, not John)
: )

Now I see God's wisdom.  He knew that John and I needed to learn to depend on Him, to work through our experiences together.  And now that we finally have internet, we have already gone through the hardest "why-in-the-world-are-we-living-in-this-country" experiences and we're really enjoying our lives here.

So I am feeling very blessed today.  Our great big God takes care of all these little things, in his perfect timing.

Ok, time to go talk to my mama!!


  1. Awesome! Congrats on that.:-)

  2. So very proud of our Philippines kids!! We love you - and it was great to SEE you today!! Praying for you!! :)

  3. I wondered why you two have been sending more emails lately!

    We miss you guys but we love that you're doing what God called you to do.
