Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Ready for Take-off!

God is such an amazing Provider!!! WOW!! A few months ago we were worried about whether we would be able to buy groceries for the week, trying to have faith but also facing the reality that we probably would not raise enough money to get back to the Ranch anytime soon.

Now I sit in my almost-empty house, surrounded by boxes and suitcases, 2 days away from another trip around the world!! God is so great!

Thank you all so much, those of you who have prayed for us and given sacrificially to help us get back to where our hearts are.  And we know that every gift is a sacrifice, whether it’s $5 or $1,000. Thank you. You guys have been the answer to our prayers.

Right now, we are an emotional mess! Saying goodbye to our American family and friends for another 2 years, but also looking forward to hugging those precious children we’ve been missing and dreaming about. 

We’ve been making some really great memories. It was such a privilege to have my father and brother-in-law dedicate sweet Bonnie Faith! We’ve shared plenty of meals together with our parents, watched our kids get to know their uncles, great-grandparents, and cousin.  We even saw snow! :)

We will fly out of Memphis this Monday at 6:00am, go through Houston, Hawaii, and Guam, and arrive in Manila at 9:30pm (9:30am American time!) on Tuesday. Please pray for our family during this time, that we will have a smooth, safe trip and that the kids will be happy! :) I am especially anxious to see how our 4 month old adjusts to a 12-hour time change... I’ll keep you posted!

We will stay in Manila for 3 days to get our visas and some other paperwork completed, and then we will fly to Cebu on January 18th! I absolutely CANNOT WAIT to see my sweet kids!!!!!!!!!  Our next post should be from the other side of the world! :) 

Thank you, so much, Heavenly Father, for allowing us to be a part of our amazing family, in America and in the Philippines!