A few days ago Clara came home with another itchy rash (this would be like the third time in the last 2 months). As I was applying anti-itch cream, I was kind of thinking out-loud and I said, "I wonder why you are Linc get these rashes, but the other Ranch kids don't. They play where you play, and eat what you eat. That's weird." To that Clara responded:
"It's because I don't belong here."
I stopped and looked at her and asked what she meant, and she explained that the other Filipino kids belong in the Philippines, but she is American and therefore does not belong.
Honestly, this made me kind of sad. No one wants to be the kid who "doesn't belong", right? I already doubt our choice to live here sometimes, simply because no matter how much language we learn, or how "culturally adapted" we become, we'll always be "the white people". The foreigners. The ones who don't belong.
Then the words to a Switchfoot song popped into my head. "Beautiful Letdown". Here are some of the lyrics:
It was a beautiful let down
When you found me here
Yeah for once in a rare blue moon I see everything clear
I don't belong here
I don't belong here
I'm gonna set sight and set sail for the kingdom come
I will carry a cross and a song where I don't belong
But i don't belong
I don't belong here
I don't belong here
Kingdom come
This was a timely reminder for me that no matter where we live here on earth, we will never really belong.
Hope you have a great day! :)