Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, August 13, 2011


It's amazing!! After 8 months of living at the ranch without internet access, we've finally discovered a device that will get us a strong enough signal to check email, surf the web, and even...gasp... SKYPE!! In the past, we've only been able to skype with our families once every 2-3 weeks when we could take an overnight trip into the city.  Now we can skype from our living room!! This is a really big deal to us!

Now that we have this capability, I am realizing (once again) that God's ways are higher than ours.  If it had been up to me, i would have made sure we had an internet connection from day one.  That way when things got tough or I had a bad "culture shock" experience, I could just hop online and pretend I was in America, chat with some Facebook friends or cry to my mama.  (By the way, this is Kelli typing, not John)
: )

Now I see God's wisdom.  He knew that John and I needed to learn to depend on Him, to work through our experiences together.  And now that we finally have internet, we have already gone through the hardest "why-in-the-world-are-we-living-in-this-country" experiences and we're really enjoying our lives here.

So I am feeling very blessed today.  Our great big God takes care of all these little things, in his perfect timing.

Ok, time to go talk to my mama!!